Operators are required to follow rules of their countries, within restrictions of their licenses, and to follow rules set forth by WWFF and its national organizations.
Get Your Park ON! events are open to all WWFF Activators and Hunters worldwide.
Activators and Hunters throughout the World can exchange QSOs with each other. Park-to-Park QSOs are encouraged between Activators.
All authorized Amateur frequencies, however, activity should center on frequencies typical of WWFF activities. All amateur modes are permitted including CW, SSB, FT4/8.
Only signal report is required. WWFF Reference ID (e.g., KFF-1234, ONFF-1234) may be included by Activators optionally.
All Activators are expected to submit their logs to their assigned person (may vary by country) for upload to the WWFF system. Credit for all Hunters and Activators will accrue as normal WWFF QSOs.