Logs to be uploaded to WWFF Logsearch are e-mailed to and uploaded by the Call Area Manager for the activator. The Call Areas are based on your callsign call area, so W5’s logs go to N9JF etc. The logs must be in ADIF format.
Name your files in the form: callsign@reference yyyymmdd.adi
(example: NK8O@KFF-1234 20250115.adi)
Managers accept POTA formatted logs and make whatever changes are needed to comply with WWFF standards which are very similar to POTA’s. We want to make life simple for activators.
It’s helpful if you include the name of the park/reference in your email.
N3KAE - Al Zelna (n3kae@arrl.net)
W7AFF - Matt Rau (w7aaf@gmail.com)
KA9JAC - Bob Gedemer (ka9jac@arrl.net
N9JF - Jim Funk (n9jf@arrl.net