In a nutshell:
World Wide Flora & Fauna (WWFF) is an international organization started in 2010 that encourages hams to leave their shacks and to go outside and operate portable in protected nature parks throughout the world. WWFF has over 50 National Affiliates, like KFF in the U.S.
You can participate as either an Activator who operated portable or mobile from designated nature parks, or a Hunter who makes QSOs with Activators. By participating in KFF, you automatically participate in WWFF.
KFF Hunters and Activators are encouraged to participate in other operating programs e.g., POTA, SOTA, IOTA. These all have overlapping locations with KFF. Activators are encouraged to post in the other clusters when in an overlapping site, and to send logs to all the other programs when applicable. Most hunters now participate in multiple programs.
By registering with WWFF you will be able to post on the WWFF web site, announcing a planned activation for instance, and to request awards.
First you must register with WWFF. Most awards are applied for using Logsearch. There are a few KFF National Awards and Participation Certificates where you must request via email to our KFF Awards Manager. There is a tutorial on the Logsearch page for applying for awards.
LOGSEARCH is the WWFF database that contains all WWFF information including activation QSOs. Currently there are over 12 million QSOs in Logsearch from over 22,000 references in 137 DXCC countries.
A Reference in WWFF is a protected nature area or park that has been designated by a National Affiliate such as KFF based on a defined set of criteria. The KFF criteria can be found in Section 10 of the KFF Rules.
WWFF Agenda is a feature of WWFF Web Site where Activators announce planned activations. Hunters find this a useful tool to plan their radio time.
WWFF offers smartWWFF Spots for viewing WWFF activation activity on a defined park. There is a browser based version and there are smart phone/tablet applications.
By registering with WWFF you will be able to post on the WWFF web site, announcing a planned activation for instance, and to request awards.
No, only Activators need to upload their logs. Hunters receive award credit based on the QSOs in Activator’s logs, so it is important to make sure your call is not broken during your QSOs.
I First you must register with WWFF. Most awards are applied for using Logsearch. There are a few KFF National Awards and Participation Certificates where you must request via email to our KFF Awards Manager. There is a tutorial on the Logsearch page for applying for awards.
WWFF offers smartWWFF Spots for viewing WWFF activation activity on a defined park. There is a browser-based version and there are smart phone/tablet applications.
All logs are uploaded into Logsearch by the Call Area Manager based on the call area of your callsign, not where you are located. Send your ADIF log as an email attachment naming your log file as:
callsign@reference yyyymmdd.adi (example: NK8O@KFF-1234 20250115.adi).
Amateur Data Interchange Format that provides a standard interchange of logging data between programs. Most computer logging programs export this file format.
Activations in WWFF are reference centric, that is any operation from a reference is an activation, no matter how many different times the site is visited. A Qualifying Activation requires the accumulation of 44 QSOs, but one QSO still qualifies an activation.
Not much really. Your will not receive activation award credit for that reference without at least 44 QSOs. You can combine multiple visits to a reference to reach the 44 QSO standard however.
Any DX Cluster, like DX Summit, can be used. Make sure to include the reference number (e.g., KFF-1234) in the Comments section. That way your spot will be picked up by smartWWFF and other spot filters. It is helpful to post on POTA site also.
Park-to-Park QSOs within the ADIF being uploaded into Logsearch are entered in ADIF fields SIG (WWFF is entered) and SIG_INFO (reference # is entered). Most people don’t have the ability to edit ADIF files, and if you are one of those, enter the P2P reference # in the Comments filed of your logging program and let the Uploaded know that your log has P2P QSOs in the Comment field, and he will make the necessary changes to the log.
Do not send in a new log, as re-uploading does notoverwrite the previous upload. It will create many duplicates in the system and corrupt the awards program. Instead follow the instructions in at this url: